We specialize in adult learning, adult education approaches and engaging adults in participatory learning through experiential learning techniques.

Our Vision

Providing 'World-class' standards for learning and development, innovatively through qualified executive team, skilled with strong and intensive hands-on experience

Our Mission

Developing ‘best-in-class’ executive development programs through our executive team in full alignment with our partners “clients” on customized need-based approach.

We do not train or advise our clients / associates … we develop and build skills for sustainable long term value of our partners “clients” and associates

We do not recruit trainers … we partnership with executives and associates (subject matter experts - SMEs), to deliver value and optimize performance of our clients’ organizations

We do not conduct classroom teaching sessions… we run highly specialized workshops and executive development settings through specific industry related hands-on partners and associates

All our programs and techniques are designed by certified professionals and members of accredited best 'body-of-knowledge' for every area of our specialization ... The following are selective bodies of our network of alliances and partners ..



About US

We are a group of senior experienced executives (subject matter experts - SMEs), with integrated background, diversified with “best in class” expertise and hands-on experience in various key domains of the modern workplace.

We represent and deliver in key strategic areas in “financial services” industry and multinational organizations in a non-traditional manner, based on best-practices in the key industries we serve.

Our set-up is driven by the latest research findings in the region, defining key gaps in the area of learning and development as; lack of quality materials, not based on hands-on experience; lack of quality teachers with hands-on, industry-specific experience; and lack of Arabic/English quality presenters…